Do you want to know what makes Energetic Insights unique? Well, not to give it all away, but I made the switch to mentoring folks in the messy middle of life because right now is a perfect time and stage in my life to share my intuitive gifts and wisdom. I've helped more people now than I ever have before. Making a positive impact is a high value in my human design.
I'll illustrate by sharing this beautiful story with you earlier this week.
A few days ago, I was at the library with my daughter, and something she said caught my attention. She ran down the library aisles, tripped over her boots, and fell onto the dirty floor as she cried and sobbed loudly into my arms, frustrated over what had just happened. I asked her why she kept running when she was told to stop.
It was all so preventable, but she didn't listen.
She looked at me and said, "if I don't get in trouble, How am I supposed to learn, momma?"
She wasn't wrong.
My daughter is 4. She understands that trial and error is the precondition to deepen her understanding of the world. Her perception blew my mind. I now know why she "goes for it." (I also read her human design chart)
I anticipate watching her go through this pattern several times in her life. As her mom, I choose to show her forgiveness and acceptance when she gets it wrong. I love her unconditionally which means, that even if I am right, I accept her free will to do things her way(Yes, there are limits here, that's the natural rhythm of parenting).
If I didn't choose this, my daughter would internalize her natural exploration as something wrong and shameful.
I shared the same story above with one of my career coaching clients this week, and she said, "I'm that kid who fell, but no one told me it was, OK." When that revelation broke loose, we were able to pick it up in our coaching session and transmute the energy blockages in her fear of failure anxiety into direct wisdom to activate her goal-setting energy. My client's ability to return to her experience gave her the awareness needed to activate her consciousness. We worked through this experience deeper and released years of negative thinking in 1 coaching session!
She reports more clarity and purpose and feels more confident in aligning with her actual self goals.
Beautiful Right,?
I got so excited about these results; I felt called to let you know about them and offer you a coaching opportunity with me so that you, too, can start healing yourself so that everyone gets the best of you this holiday season. Just hit reply to this email with the words "I'm ready" in the subject line to lock in 2021 rates for the electrifying 8-week Elite Voxer sessions before they go up in a few short weeks.
It is safe to put yourself first.
With love